One big of formal education is the high cost.

 2024-09-20 22:43:08   admin   0

The fact ________ that we are behind the other classes.

 2024-09-20 22:43:07   admin   1

—Did you enjoy your college life?—______.

 2024-09-20 22:43:07   admin   1

—Would you like to come to our party this weekend?—______.

 2024-09-03 09:51:40   admin   220

— What are your great strengths?— .

 2024-09-03 09:51:39   admin   186

Nowadays people spend more time exercising to keep _____.(

 2024-09-03 09:51:39   admin   182

The news came _____ we won the first prize in the competition.

 2024-09-03 09:51:38   admin   76

—The red dress fits me very much, doesn’t it?— .

 2024-09-03 09:51:38   admin   62

___________ was very not wise.

 2024-09-03 09:51:37   admin   53

It is in the afternoon_______he got the bad news.

 2024-09-03 09:51:36   admin   48

—Cherry, what do you think of today’s English homework?— .

 2024-09-03 09:51:35   admin   53

You’d better listening to the teacher in the lesson.

 2024-09-03 09:51:34   admin   50

Without your help, I ______ not obtain today’s success.

 2024-09-03 09:51:33   admin   50

Does the design _____ the needs of our users?

 2024-09-03 09:51:33   admin   51

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